Almost everyone uses spray tan for getting away from the problem of tanning because it makes the skin dark and ugly. People have a complaint about their sunless tanning that does not stay for long. If you are one of these then you should read the instructions which are given below and can take help from Spray tans Sydney because these are helpful in prolong the life of your spray tan.

1.       Make a search: -Before using any spray tan, you should make a search on the spray tanning solutions which are used by different salons and then you should confirm about the life of spray tan so that you may choose easily whichever is suitable for you. You should also choose the only spray tan solution which does not have any kind of heavy alcohol content because it can be harmful for your skin and can be a cause of cracking your skin.

2.       Exfoliate: -Before using any spray tan, you should exfoliate your entire body and you should choose only that scrub which does not contain oils because your skin will not absorb the solution due to oily skin as it provides a protective coating to your body.

3.       No use of lotion: -You should not use any kind of lotion on that day when you are getting spray tan on your body because it can be cause of blockage of spray tan solution from the skin. Use of deodorant can also put bad effect on your skin because if you use deodorant on same day of spray tan then it can leave that area white.

4.       Give enough time to dry: -When you have applied a sunless tan solution on your skin then you should wait for at least 6 hours for showering because it needs enough time to develop.

5.       Keep shower quick: -If you do shower after applying spray tan then you do take bath quickly. If you soak for long time then it will speed up the fading of your tan. You should try to avoid soap while showering because it is harsh for skin and remove your tan very soon. So you should try to use a moisturizing body wash.

After all this, you should apply a moisturizer on your body. You should apply it multiple times in a day and especially after you shower. If you have any kind of confusion about this then you can make a contact with tanning Sydney.

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